Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice
№1, 2018, Vol.6

.., Balykina Y.E., Gomon Y.M., Ivanov V.V., Kolbin A.S., .., .., .. 3904

Aim: To assess economic efficiency of complicated intra-abdomibal infections treatment in real practice compared to alternative scenario (treatment with carbapenem Ertapanem) taking in to account E. coli resistance. Methods: Cost-effectiveness analysis were performed. Mathematic modelling was done to assess prognosis of bacterial resistance. Results: Cost of 1 case of complicated intra-abdomibal infections in real practice is 83048,08 rub compared to 91706,06 rub according to alternative strategy. Cost-effectiveness analysis revealed that real practice of treatment intra-abdomibal infections dominated alternative scenario: less effectiveness lead to lower cost. Additional effectiveness (1,95%) demand additionally 443316,97 rub. Taking into account dynamic of E. Coli resistance ICER during 2011-2015 period decreased up to 40%. Conclusion: Antimicrobial resistance of bacterial agents is important criteria which should be used to estimate economic effectiveness of any medical strategy. Key words: complicated intra-abdominal infection, bacterial resistance, pharmacoeconomic analysis

Makarova E.I., Yagudina R.I. 4123

This article presents a methodology for calculating QALY using questionnaires to study the quality of life of a patient. The review and classification of the most frequently used questionnaires of quality of life measurement validated to QALY are presented, their main features, advantages and disadvantages are highlighted. The main elements of universal questionnaires, as well as the stages of obtaining the utility index, are described in detail. In addition, alternative methods to obtaining health state utility values for generic questionnaires have been explored, using forecasting (mapping) based on data on other indicators of the patient’s health status.

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