Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice
№4, 2023, Vol.11


The article is devoted to the analysis of the inclusion of specialized therapeutic nutrition products (STNP) in the list for subsidized provision for disabled children in the Russian Federation for the period from 2016 to 2024. The analysis is based on data regarding the registration and inclusion of STNP in the state list, and also considers changes in the legislation governing this process. The distribution of products by nosological groups, country of manufacture, and the average time from registration to inclusion in the list has been analyzed. The results demon- strated a significant increase in the number of domestic STNPs and the expansion of the geography of foreign manufacturers, which contributes to the improvement of the quality of provision for disabled children. It is also noted that there has been a substantial reduction in the time from registration to inclusion of STNPs in the list, indicating the optimization of relevant procedures and an increase in the time- liness of access to necessary products. The findings of this analysis contribute to a deeper understanding of the current state and development trends of the STNP market in the Russian Federation.


AIM: to determine the time spent on pharmaceutical manufacturing of non-sterile medicines in the form of liquid dosage forms and assess their compliance with current standards. MATERIALS AND METHODS: the objects of the study were the technological pro- cesses of manufacturing non-sterile liquid dosage forms in pharmacies of the State Unitary Enterprise “Tattechmedpharm” No. 57 and No. 361 (Kazan), No. 277 (central district pharmacy of Almetyevsk), performing a manufacturing function (license L042-01181-16/00269222 dated 16/09/2020). During the study, methods of grouping, systematization, structural and logical analysis, comparative analysis, direct observation method, measurement method, time-study method, methods of statistical data processing using the SPSS Statis- tics program were used. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: during the study, the time-study of technological operations in the manufacturing of non-sterile liquid dosage forms was used by direct measurement using a stopwatch. Time measurements were carried out for dosage forms, which were prepared daily, with different numbers of components (from 1 to 6). The most labor-intensive operations were identified, namely: weigh- ing of pharmaceutical substances, filtration of a water solution, and performing calculations in a written control passport. The obtained results were also compared with current standards. During the pro- cess, it was revealed that the time spent was compliant with the use of concen- trated solutions, as well as when preparing glycerin solutions that don’t require filtration. However, when performing such technological operations as weighing of ingredients, dissolving and filtering the dosage form, the results exceeded the recommended standards. CONCLUSION: in modern conditions, the time spent on manufacturing of liquid dosage forms according to individual prescriptions, exceeds established stan- dards, due to the lack of burette systems in pharmacies and the reduction of the practice of using concentrated solutions. Based on the results of the study, re- serves were identified for increasing the productivity of pharmaceutical employees in the manufacture of liquid dosage forms: the use of electronic scales, concen- trated solutions and the development of standard operating procedures for the pharmaceutical manufacturing of liquid dosage forms.


The article presents the results of an intermediate situational assessment of the situation in the domestic pharmaceutical market in the segment of drugs with the greatest potential for successful repurposing, reflecting data from an analysis of the main regulatory aspects of off-label use in the Russian Federation and the main trends in their use in modern conditions