Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice
№3, 2014, Vol.2

Serpik V.G., Yagudina R.I. 5860

Summary: Abstract: Pharmacoeconomic analysis is becoming more common as a decisionmaking tool in healthcare of the Russian Federation. On the one hand, this process is accompanied with the complexity of the used methods. In particular, the simultaneous use of both types of analysis (budget impact analysis and costeffectiveness analysis) is intended. It’s important to note that pharmacoeconomic assessment based on these indicators often has controversial character. Thus, the results of one type of analysis can characterize assessed health technology favorably, and the results of other critically. On the other hand, the use of pharmacoeconomic approaches at the system level requires formalization of the decision-making on the basis of pharmacoeconomic evaluations. In this regard, there is a problem of correct interpretation of the results of both types of pharmacoeconomic analysis when making a unified formalized pharmacoeconomic report. In this article, we offer our methodological solution of the stated problem. This solution is a useful tool in making unite pharmacoeconomic report based on cost-effectiveness analysis and budget impact analysis results. Use of this model preserves the meaning and significance of each type of pharmacoeconomic analysis. The article also presents the concept of a practical embodiment of the described methodology - the creation of «3D» pharmacoeconomic model.