KRASILNIKOV Maksim Sergeevich

Gainov V.S., Golubenko R.A., .., Kostenko N.L., KRASILNIKOV M.S. 2761

Galeppo Y.L., KRASILNIKOV M.S., Miroshnichenko Y.V. 1236

Objective: to analyze the structure of consumption of infusion solutions in physical and cost terms in multidisciplinary medical organizations of the research base. Materials and methods: calculation of relative and average values, structural and functional analysis, system analysis, retrospective analysis, comparison method, correspondence. Results. As a result of the analysis of the structure of the consumption of infusion solutions by the main groups in multidisciplinary medical organizations of the research base, it was revealed that the largest share in the actual consumption of infusion solutions in kind are the groups of infusion solutions «Regulators of water-electrolyte and acid-base balances» and «Hemodynamic infusion solutions», which is explained by their significance for the provision of medical care in hospital conditions and the need for their appointment for a large number of patients of multidisciplinary medical organizations. As a result of the analysis of the structure of consumption of infusion solutions in value terms, we identified the main groups of infusion solutions that account for the greatest financial burden of multidisciplinary medical organizations of the research base, as well as the rating of the main groups of infusion solutions in the structure of consumption in value terms of multidisciplinary medical organizations. Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of the actual consumption of infusion solutions in kind, a significant predominance of the groups «Regulators of water-electrolyte and acid-base balances» and "Hemodynamic infusion solutions" was revealed. The analysis of the structure of infusion solutions consumption in value terms showed that the largest share in total infusion solutions consumption is also occupied by the groups of infusion solutions «Regulators of water-electrolyte and acid-base balances», "Other infusion solutions" and «infusion solutions for parenteral nutrition».

Bunin S.A., Galeppo Y.L., KRASILNIKOV M.S., Miroshnichenko Y.V. 1179

Objective: to carry out a comparative analysis of the actual consumption of infusion solutions in multidisciplinary medical organizations and the quantities of infusion solutions calculated on the basis of the generated database to determine the need for infusion solutions of each specific multidisciplinary medical organization. Materials and methods: statistical reports, journals of the movement of medicines and prescribing lists of medical histories of patients examined by multidisciplinary medical organizations, as well as data on standards of medical care and clinical recommendations were used as research materials. In the course of the study, methods of retrospective analysis, comparison, correspondence, etc. were used. Results: a comparative analysis of the data on the actual consumption of infusion solutions and the projected need for infusion solutions in multidisciplinary medical organizations, calculated using the generated database to determine the need for infusion solutions, showed an excess (in some cases, significant) of the actual consumption of 0.9% sodium chloride and 5% dextrose solutions in all surveyed multidisciplinary medical organizations compared to with regulations, regulated standards of medical care and clinical recommendations. Conclusions: in order to optimize the provision of infusion solutions to multidisciplinary medical organizations and, accordingly, to increase the effective- ness of medical care, it is important to use data on the structure of patients of multidisciplinary medical organizations and the most common nosological forms, as well as regulatory and reference information on the drug provision of patients with the most common nosological forms of diseases when predicting the need.

Gainov V.S., Golubenko R.A., .., Kostenko N.L., KRASILNIKOV M.S. 2761

Galeppo Y.L., KRASILNIKOV M.S., Miroshnichenko Y.V. 1236

Objective: to analyze the structure of consumption of infusion solutions in physical and cost terms in multidisciplinary medical organizations of the research base. Materials and methods: calculation of relative and average values, structural and functional analysis, system analysis, retrospective analysis, comparison method, correspondence. Results. As a result of the analysis of the structure of the consumption of infusion solutions by the main groups in multidisciplinary medical organizations of the research base, it was revealed that the largest share in the actual consumption of infusion solutions in kind are the groups of infusion solutions «Regulators of water-electrolyte and acid-base balances» and «Hemodynamic infusion solutions», which is explained by their significance for the provision of medical care in hospital conditions and the need for their appointment for a large number of patients of multidisciplinary medical organizations. As a result of the analysis of the structure of consumption of infusion solutions in value terms, we identified the main groups of infusion solutions that account for the greatest financial burden of multidisciplinary medical organizations of the research base, as well as the rating of the main groups of infusion solutions in the structure of consumption in value terms of multidisciplinary medical organizations. Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of the actual consumption of infusion solutions in kind, a significant predominance of the groups «Regulators of water-electrolyte and acid-base balances» and "Hemodynamic infusion solutions" was revealed. The analysis of the structure of infusion solutions consumption in value terms showed that the largest share in total infusion solutions consumption is also occupied by the groups of infusion solutions «Regulators of water-electrolyte and acid-base balances», "Other infusion solutions" and «infusion solutions for parenteral nutrition».

Bunin S.A., Galeppo Y.L., KRASILNIKOV M.S., Miroshnichenko Y.V. 1179

Objective: to carry out a comparative analysis of the actual consumption of infusion solutions in multidisciplinary medical organizations and the quantities of infusion solutions calculated on the basis of the generated database to determine the need for infusion solutions of each specific multidisciplinary medical organization. Materials and methods: statistical reports, journals of the movement of medicines and prescribing lists of medical histories of patients examined by multidisciplinary medical organizations, as well as data on standards of medical care and clinical recommendations were used as research materials. In the course of the study, methods of retrospective analysis, comparison, correspondence, etc. were used. Results: a comparative analysis of the data on the actual consumption of infusion solutions and the projected need for infusion solutions in multidisciplinary medical organizations, calculated using the generated database to determine the need for infusion solutions, showed an excess (in some cases, significant) of the actual consumption of 0.9% sodium chloride and 5% dextrose solutions in all surveyed multidisciplinary medical organizations compared to with regulations, regulated standards of medical care and clinical recommendations. Conclusions: in order to optimize the provision of infusion solutions to multidisciplinary medical organizations and, accordingly, to increase the effective- ness of medical care, it is important to use data on the structure of patients of multidisciplinary medical organizations and the most common nosological forms, as well as regulatory and reference information on the drug provision of patients with the most common nosological forms of diseases when predicting the need.