Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice
Rules of peer review
1. "Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practise" uses double-blind peer-review process. All scientific articles submitted to the editorial office undergo peer review.
2. The requirements for preparation of the manuscript are validated after which it is sent for review to a specialist – a doctor or Ph.D of medical, pharmaceutical, economic sciences close to the scientific specialization topic (member of the Editorial Board).
3. Reviewing terms are determined by the editor with the creation of conditions for maximum rapid publication of articles.
4. Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts are a private property of the authors and are a subject of non-disclosure. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of articles for their needs.
5. The review covers the contents of the articles stated in the title of the topic, how the manuscript meets the modern achievements of scientific and theoretical knowledge, language, style, arrangement of material, visual and informative tables, diagrams, figures and formulas are also reviewed, positive aspects and shortcomings of the article are evaluated, reviewers advise what corrections and additions should be made by the author. Conclusion of the reviewer: recommended, recommended taking into account corrections of deficiencies noted by the reviewer or not recommended for publication in the journal.
6. The review is confidential. The author has the opportunity to review the text of the review.
7. If there is an indication of the need to correct the article in the review, it is sent to the author for revision with the Appendix of the text of the review with a proposal to take them into account when preparing a new version of the article or arguments (partially or completely) to refute them. The modified (revised) paper is resubmitted for review.
8. The article which is not recommended by reviewer for publication is not allowed for re-review. Text of negative review is sent to the author by e-mail, fax or regular mail.
9. The decision on the publication submission is taken after the reviewing of the chief editor and if it is necessary by the Board.
10. After the decision on the admission of article for publication by the chief editor the author is informed with an indication of the date of publication.
11. A sample of the peer review is here