Sidullin A Yu
Twelve traditional therapeutic schemes of infusion-detoxification therapy of budget narcological hospitals of the Republic of Tatarstan and also an innovative scheme with greater efficiency were evaluated and compared from the viewpoint of pharmacoeconomics in this research. Analysis of effectiveness showed that innovation scheme, one bed in resuscitation of narcological hospital can serve the needs of 93 patients per year, i.e. bedspace will be in use more intensively. During treatment according to traditional schemes the indicator of the “function hospital bed” was equal to 56 and 70 patients a year. The analysis of the cost showed that the maximum annual budget of traditional therapy is represented on the scheme №3 (1 050 560 RUB), and the minimum one is on the scheme №9 (893 200 RUB). The budget of innovative scheme was 1 452 906 RUB. The innovative scheme of infusion-detoxification therapy according to the analysis was more effective, but the therapy was more expensive. During the research of the cost of the structure with innovative treatment scheme it was found out that the greatest part of the cost (38%) is the cost of pharmacotherapy. The analysis of “cost minimization” allowed choosing among the traditional schemes of infusion-detoxification therapy the most optimal variant. According to “budget impact” analysis the transfer of 50% of patients to the innovative therapies, would require a budget increase to 2,2%, and for transfering 100% of patients on the new scheme of the IDT the budget increase must be 6% relative to 100% applications of traditional schemes in regional narcological hospital.
Twelve traditional therapeutic schemes of infusion-detoxification therapy of budget narcological hospitals of the Republic of Tatarstan and also an innovative scheme with greater efficiency were evaluated and compared from the viewpoint of pharmacoeconomics in this research. Analysis of effectiveness showed that innovation scheme, one bed in resuscitation of narcological hospital can serve the needs of 93 patients per year, i.e. bedspace will be in use more intensively. During treatment according to traditional schemes the indicator of the “function hospital bed” was equal to 56 and 70 patients a year. The analysis of the cost showed that the maximum annual budget of traditional therapy is represented on the scheme №3 (1 050 560 RUB), and the minimum one is on the scheme №9 (893 200 RUB). The budget of innovative scheme was 1 452 906 RUB. The innovative scheme of infusion-detoxification therapy according to the analysis was more effective, but the therapy was more expensive. During the research of the cost of the structure with innovative treatment scheme it was found out that the greatest part of the cost (38%) is the cost of pharmacotherapy. The analysis of “cost minimization” allowed choosing among the traditional schemes of infusion-detoxification therapy the most optimal variant. According to “budget impact” analysis the transfer of 50% of patients to the innovative therapies, would require a budget increase to 2,2%, and for transfering 100% of patients on the new scheme of the IDT the budget increase must be 6% relative to 100% applications of traditional schemes in regional narcological hospital.