Gribova Ya V

Abdulyanov A.V., Gribova Y.V., Krasilnikov D.M., Safiullin M.R., Safiullin R.S., Shakirova D.H. 4243

This article presents the results of the ATC/DDD analysis of the use of antibacterial drugs for the treatment of patients with pancreonecrosis in a hospital environment. The publication contains the necessary procedures for conducting research and main research results.

Abdulyanov A.V., Gribova Y.V., Krasilnikov D.M., Safiullin M.R., Safiullin R.S., Shakirova D.H. 4243

This article presents the results of the ATC/DDD analysis of the use of antibacterial drugs for the treatment of patients with pancreonecrosis in a hospital environment. The publication contains the necessary procedures for conducting research and main research results.