Firsenko N P

Bredneva N.D., Putintseva A.S., Firsenko N.P., Chikarenko E.I., Sharsina E.A. 1310

Goal. To study the indicators characterizing the program of preferential medication provision in the Tyumen region for persons suffering from acute cardiovascular diseases for the period 2020-2022. In particular, the structure and amount of funds from the budgets of all levels allocated for the provision of medication care to this category of patients, the number of citizens included in the regional Register of persons who have had acute cardiovascular diseases, the number of provided prescriptions for preferential medication provision, their average cost. To identify the main trends in the development of a new strand in the preferential provision of medicines for patients of medical organizations in the Tyumen region. Materials and methods. In the study of indicators, methods were used: situational-logical, content analysis, structural, system, computer technologies. Results. The organization of a new strand of preferential medication provision for people who have suffered acute cerebrovascular accident, myocardial infarction and other diseases has been studied. An analysis of the regulatory and legal regulation of preferential medication provision, indicators affecting the availability of medication care to patients of medical organizations based on monitoring stocks of medicines, their receiving by pharmacies, prescribing and dispensing necessary medicines was carried out. Conclusion. The Program of preferential provision of necessary medicines is being implemented at the expense of the federal (27%) and regional (73%) budgets in Tyumen region for providing primary health care to the patients who have suffered acute cardiovascular diseases. Indicators of medicine provision (program funding, number of prescriptions provided, average prescription cost) are dynamic, tend to grow and indicate the availability of medication care

Bredneva N.D., Ugryumova T.A., Firsenko N.P. 728

Bredneva N.D., Ugryumova T.A., Firsenko N.P. 720

Bredneva N.D., Putintseva A.S., Firsenko N.P., Chikarenko E.I., Sharsina E.A. 1310

Goal. To study the indicators characterizing the program of preferential medication provision in the Tyumen region for persons suffering from acute cardiovascular diseases for the period 2020-2022. In particular, the structure and amount of funds from the budgets of all levels allocated for the provision of medication care to this category of patients, the number of citizens included in the regional Register of persons who have had acute cardiovascular diseases, the number of provided prescriptions for preferential medication provision, their average cost. To identify the main trends in the development of a new strand in the preferential provision of medicines for patients of medical organizations in the Tyumen region. Materials and methods. In the study of indicators, methods were used: situational-logical, content analysis, structural, system, computer technologies. Results. The organization of a new strand of preferential medication provision for people who have suffered acute cerebrovascular accident, myocardial infarction and other diseases has been studied. An analysis of the regulatory and legal regulation of preferential medication provision, indicators affecting the availability of medication care to patients of medical organizations based on monitoring stocks of medicines, their receiving by pharmacies, prescribing and dispensing necessary medicines was carried out. Conclusion. The Program of preferential provision of necessary medicines is being implemented at the expense of the federal (27%) and regional (73%) budgets in Tyumen region for providing primary health care to the patients who have suffered acute cardiovascular diseases. Indicators of medicine provision (program funding, number of prescriptions provided, average prescription cost) are dynamic, tend to grow and indicate the availability of medication care

Bredneva N.D., Ugryumova T.A., Firsenko N.P. 728

Bredneva N.D., Ugryumova T.A., Firsenko N.P. 720