Matulevich S A

Alferova I.P., Velednitskiy V.B., Vinoglyadova S.V., Voronin S.V., Golihina T.A., Goroshko L.V., Davydova A.N., Zhukova T.P., Irinina N.A., Kapustina N.K., Kuzin A.V., Kulikov A.Y., Lukina N.V., Mardanova A.K., Maryashina T.M., Matulevich S.A., Mihalchuk V.V., Nelyubova Z.G., Nikonov A.M., Pushkina M.A., Sahar O.V., Strunina (Rybchenko) Y.V., Teunaeva M.M., Hramihina S.S., Chesnokova M.A., Shelkova E.V., Erbis G.A., Yudintseva T.V., Yagudina R.I. 5242

Phenylketonuria is a hereditary disease associated with a metabolic disorder of amino acids in the organism, the prevalence of which in the Russian Federation is 1:10000. Currently, the main treatment of phenylketonuria is diet therapy with specialized health food (a mixture of amino acids without phenylalanine). This research presents the results of a comparison of diet therapy with medicinal mixtures of MDmil PKU line taken from the first month of life of a child compared to food of other producers, taken in later periods. Efficiency analysis is based on data provided by the major regional genetics specialists from 24 regions of the Russian Federation on treatment of 1088 children suffering from phenylketonuria. Cost analysis of treatment of patients with PKU until their majority reveals least expensive diet therapy initiated from the first month of life with specialized health food of MDmil PKU line compared with diet, started in later periods with specialized products of different manufacturers. During the “cost-effectiveness” analysis and the “cost-utility”analysis indicators of CER and CUR are identified showing that when used from the first month of life diet therapy with MDmil PKU line compared with diet, started in later periods with various manufacturers, it is easy to determine treatment of the first group of children as dominant. Budget impact analysis shows that diet therapy with specialized health food of MDmil PKU line in treatment of phenylketonuria can achieve cost savings of 34% to 38% depending on periods of commencement of the diet.

Alferova I.P., Velednitskiy V.B., Vinoglyadova S.V., Voronin S.V., Golihina T.A., Goroshko L.V., Davydova A.N., Zhukova T.P., Irinina N.A., Kapustina N.K., Kuzin A.V., Kulikov A.Y., Lukina N.V., Mardanova A.K., Maryashina T.M., Matulevich S.A., Mihalchuk V.V., Nelyubova Z.G., Nikonov A.M., Pushkina M.A., Sahar O.V., Strunina (Rybchenko) Y.V., Teunaeva M.M., Hramihina S.S., Chesnokova M.A., Shelkova E.V., Erbis G.A., Yudintseva T.V., Yagudina R.I. 5242

Phenylketonuria is a hereditary disease associated with a metabolic disorder of amino acids in the organism, the prevalence of which in the Russian Federation is 1:10000. Currently, the main treatment of phenylketonuria is diet therapy with specialized health food (a mixture of amino acids without phenylalanine). This research presents the results of a comparison of diet therapy with medicinal mixtures of MDmil PKU line taken from the first month of life of a child compared to food of other producers, taken in later periods. Efficiency analysis is based on data provided by the major regional genetics specialists from 24 regions of the Russian Federation on treatment of 1088 children suffering from phenylketonuria. Cost analysis of treatment of patients with PKU until their majority reveals least expensive diet therapy initiated from the first month of life with specialized health food of MDmil PKU line compared with diet, started in later periods with specialized products of different manufacturers. During the “cost-effectiveness” analysis and the “cost-utility”analysis indicators of CER and CUR are identified showing that when used from the first month of life diet therapy with MDmil PKU line compared with diet, started in later periods with various manufacturers, it is easy to determine treatment of the first group of children as dominant. Budget impact analysis shows that diet therapy with specialized health food of MDmil PKU line in treatment of phenylketonuria can achieve cost savings of 34% to 38% depending on periods of commencement of the diet.