Shestakova I V

Babiy V.V., Kulikov A.Y., Shestakova I.V. 4921

The goals of this study was: 1. to evaluate the superior regimen of antiviral drug treatment of chronic hepatitis C (daclatasvir + asunaprevir (a combination of the medicinal products) versus perginterferon alfa + ribavirin or peginterferon alfa + ribavirin + simeprevir or paritaprevir + ritonavir + ombitasvir + dasabuvir) in treatment-naive and treatment-experienced patients (HCV genotype 1b) without liver cirrhosis and with liver cirrhosis based on comparison of cost, effectiveness and safety; 2. To define, using «budget impact» analysis, economic outcomes of including daclatasvir + asunaprevir in current practice of HCV treatment This analysis was performed using two scenarios of the adjusted model “The MONARCH Cost-effectiveness Model”. «Budget impact» analysis was conducted using adapted model «ALLY: Daklinza® (Daclatasvir) Budget Impact Model». The study demonstrated that the first study hypothesis was correct: the combination of the medicinal products for treatment of HCV-infection (HCV genotype 1) daclatasvir + asunaprevir was found to have advantages over the combinations peginterferon alfa + ribavirin, peginterferon alfa + ribavirin + simeprevir and dasabuvir, ombitasvir + paritaprevir + ritonavir in respect of the cost-effectiveness ratio. Furthermore, results of «budget impact» analysis confirmed the second study hypothesis – introduction of DCV + ASV in current practice of HCV treatment will lead to decreasing of complication treatment costs.

Babiy V.V., Kulikov A.Y., Shestakova I.V. 4921

The goals of this study was: 1. to evaluate the superior regimen of antiviral drug treatment of chronic hepatitis C (daclatasvir + asunaprevir (a combination of the medicinal products) versus perginterferon alfa + ribavirin or peginterferon alfa + ribavirin + simeprevir or paritaprevir + ritonavir + ombitasvir + dasabuvir) in treatment-naive and treatment-experienced patients (HCV genotype 1b) without liver cirrhosis and with liver cirrhosis based on comparison of cost, effectiveness and safety; 2. To define, using «budget impact» analysis, economic outcomes of including daclatasvir + asunaprevir in current practice of HCV treatment This analysis was performed using two scenarios of the adjusted model “The MONARCH Cost-effectiveness Model”. «Budget impact» analysis was conducted using adapted model «ALLY: Daklinza® (Daclatasvir) Budget Impact Model». The study demonstrated that the first study hypothesis was correct: the combination of the medicinal products for treatment of HCV-infection (HCV genotype 1) daclatasvir + asunaprevir was found to have advantages over the combinations peginterferon alfa + ribavirin, peginterferon alfa + ribavirin + simeprevir and dasabuvir, ombitasvir + paritaprevir + ritonavir in respect of the cost-effectiveness ratio. Furthermore, results of «budget impact» analysis confirmed the second study hypothesis – introduction of DCV + ASV in current practice of HCV treatment will lead to decreasing of complication treatment costs.