Bashlakova Ekaterina Eugenievna

Bashlakova E.E., Davidovskaya M.V., Evdoshenko E.P., Polyakova K.I., Skoromets A.A., Solodun I.Y., Fisun A.G., Khachanova N.V., Holownia M.A. 4368

Budget impact analysis of teriflunomide inclusion as first-line disease modifying drugs (DMD) therapy in the List to ensure patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) within the programme ‘7 high-cost nosologies’ on the budgets of Russian Federation (RF) federal and regional public authorities in the field of health care.

Bashlakova E.E., Davidovskaya M.V., Evdoshenko E.P., Polyakova K.I., Skoromets A.A., Solodun I.Y., Fisun A.G., Khachanova N.V., Holownia M.A. 4368

Budget impact analysis of teriflunomide inclusion as first-line disease modifying drugs (DMD) therapy in the List to ensure patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) within the programme ‘7 high-cost nosologies’ on the budgets of Russian Federation (RF) federal and regional public authorities in the field of health care.