Zubarev Pavel Dmitriyevich

Zubarev P.D., Kulikov A.Y., Protsenko M.V., Telnova E.A., Ugrekhelidze D.T. 4366

To assess the level of development of pharmacoeconomics in the Russian Federation as a branch of science analysis of pharmacoeconomic and clinical economic studies published in the scientific electronic library “eLIBRARY.RU” (RSCI) for the period from 2005 through 2015 was performed. As a result, it was determined that the number of such studies from year to year is steadily increasing. The leader among the countries who publish their researches on the platform of the scientific electronic library “eLIBRARY. RU” was Russia, the second and the third places were shared by Ukraine and Belarus, respectively. The research was carried out in 52 subjects of the Russian Federation, which is represented by 63 Universities. Leader out of them was the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. It turned out that most pharmacoeconomic and clinical-economic research during the specified time interval was devoted to cardiovascular, pulmonary, oncological and endocrinological diseases. As a result of analysis, it was found that among pharmacoeconomic research methods most commonly used “cost– effectiveness” analysis (45,1%). In addition, on the basis of the analyzed data of Russian science citation index and the total number of published works, the rating of the authors who conducted research in the field of pharmacoeconomics in the country.

Zubarev P.D., Kulikov A.Y., Protsenko M.V., Telnova E.A., Ugrekhelidze D.T. 4366

To assess the level of development of pharmacoeconomics in the Russian Federation as a branch of science analysis of pharmacoeconomic and clinical economic studies published in the scientific electronic library “eLIBRARY.RU” (RSCI) for the period from 2005 through 2015 was performed. As a result, it was determined that the number of such studies from year to year is steadily increasing. The leader among the countries who publish their researches on the platform of the scientific electronic library “eLIBRARY. RU” was Russia, the second and the third places were shared by Ukraine and Belarus, respectively. The research was carried out in 52 subjects of the Russian Federation, which is represented by 63 Universities. Leader out of them was the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. It turned out that most pharmacoeconomic and clinical-economic research during the specified time interval was devoted to cardiovascular, pulmonary, oncological and endocrinological diseases. As a result of analysis, it was found that among pharmacoeconomic research methods most commonly used “cost– effectiveness” analysis (45,1%). In addition, on the basis of the analyzed data of Russian science citation index and the total number of published works, the rating of the authors who conducted research in the field of pharmacoeconomics in the country.