Novikov D E
Objective: to assess pharmacoeconomic aspects of treatment substitution of metformin immediate release (IR) form for metformin extended release (XR) form in diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 treatment in Russian Federation healthcare system.
Methods: retrospective modelling performed according to standardized pharmacoeconomic methods such as: “cost-effectiveness analysis”, “budget impact analysis”, “sensitivity analysis”. Markov model with 20-years time horizon was used to forecast compared therapy methods long-term impact on “cost-effectiveness” results in terms of QALY, direct and indirect costs. Analyzed competitors: Glucophage Long (metformin extended release (XR) form) and three generic metformin immediate release (IR) forms which are in the lead of consumption on Russian market (Siofor, Metformin-Richter, Formetin).
Results: the results of effectiveness analysis QALY-scores were 5.2925 and 4.6479 (20-years horizon with 3% discount rate) for metformin XR and IR forms respectively. While total expenditures are 3169258.07 b for Glucophage Long (XR form) therapy and 3 422 420.90 b, 3 426 951.18 b and 3 439 108.79 b for Formetin, Metformin-Richter and Siofor respectively.
Conclusion: metformin XR using improves glycemic control in comparison to metformin IR, which mediately (according to modelling results) decrease risk of DM complications and, in hence, decrease expenditures. Therefore and due to the most favorable tolerance, Glucophage Long therapy demonstrates the minimal total expenditures with the maximum QALY-scores.
Saratov State Medical University named afer V.I. Razumovsky, Saratov, Russia
Objective: to assess pharmacoeconomic aspects of treatment substitution of metformin immediate release (IR) form for metformin extended release (XR) form in diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 treatment in Russian Federation healthcare system.
Methods: retrospective modelling performed according to standardized pharmacoeconomic methods such as: “cost-effectiveness analysis”, “budget impact analysis”, “sensitivity analysis”. Markov model with 20-years time horizon was used to forecast compared therapy methods long-term impact on “cost-effectiveness” results in terms of QALY, direct and indirect costs. Analyzed competitors: Glucophage Long (metformin extended release (XR) form) and three generic metformin immediate release (IR) forms which are in the lead of consumption on Russian market (Siofor, Metformin-Richter, Formetin).
Results: the results of effectiveness analysis QALY-scores were 5.2925 and 4.6479 (20-years horizon with 3% discount rate) for metformin XR and IR forms respectively. While total expenditures are 3169258.07 b for Glucophage Long (XR form) therapy and 3 422 420.90 b, 3 426 951.18 b and 3 439 108.79 b for Formetin, Metformin-Richter and Siofor respectively.
Conclusion: metformin XR using improves glycemic control in comparison to metformin IR, which mediately (according to modelling results) decrease risk of DM complications and, in hence, decrease expenditures. Therefore and due to the most favorable tolerance, Glucophage Long therapy demonstrates the minimal total expenditures with the maximum QALY-scores.
Saratov State Medical University named afer V.I. Razumovsky, Saratov, Russia