Zinchuk I Y

Zinchuk I.Y., Kulikov A.Y., Pavlov P.V. 5747

During the pharmacoeconomic analysis of Crizotinib use as a firstline chemotherapy for ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), based on the results of Markov models, it was found that this chemotherapy regimen would significantly increase the time to progression and the overall survival, with an annual survival rate of 73%, 43% and 21% of patients following the first, second and third year of treatment, respectively. Despite the high cost of this treatment regimen, reaching 5,262,681 rubles at the horizon of ten year study, the treatment regimen including Crizotinib will be characterized by the lowest values of the cost-effectiveness ratio, reflecting the costs incurred by the health care system for patient’s life saving. Thus, Crizotinib use as firstline of chemotherapy in patients with ALK-positive NSCLC is the most preferable treatment regimen from a pharmacoeconomic point of view

Zinchuk I.Y., Kulikov A.Y. 5149

The study established a superior clinical efficacy in bleeding episodes relieving, and the health care resources saving in contrast with the current treatment regimen, when patients with von Willebrand disease Haemate P treatment receive. Thus, Haemate P shows pharmacoeconomic advantage over current treatment regimen of von Willebrand disease, which includes coagulation factor VIII drugs, as well as Wilate pharmacotherapy, as the most effective and cheap treatment scheme.

Zinchuk I.Y., Kulikov A.Y., Pavlov P.V. 5747

During the pharmacoeconomic analysis of Crizotinib use as a firstline chemotherapy for ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), based on the results of Markov models, it was found that this chemotherapy regimen would significantly increase the time to progression and the overall survival, with an annual survival rate of 73%, 43% and 21% of patients following the first, second and third year of treatment, respectively. Despite the high cost of this treatment regimen, reaching 5,262,681 rubles at the horizon of ten year study, the treatment regimen including Crizotinib will be characterized by the lowest values of the cost-effectiveness ratio, reflecting the costs incurred by the health care system for patient’s life saving. Thus, Crizotinib use as firstline of chemotherapy in patients with ALK-positive NSCLC is the most preferable treatment regimen from a pharmacoeconomic point of view

Zinchuk I.Y., Kulikov A.Y. 5149

The study established a superior clinical efficacy in bleeding episodes relieving, and the health care resources saving in contrast with the current treatment regimen, when patients with von Willebrand disease Haemate P treatment receive. Thus, Haemate P shows pharmacoeconomic advantage over current treatment regimen of von Willebrand disease, which includes coagulation factor VIII drugs, as well as Wilate pharmacotherapy, as the most effective and cheap treatment scheme.