Kulikov A.Y., Ugrekhelidze D.T. 5709

Pharmacoeconomic study of botulinum toxin type A in treatment of post-stroke spasticity in the upper limb

According to the World Health Organization, the prevalence of post-stroke spasticity is 200 people per 100 thousand inhabitants and the total number of patients in the world exceeds 12 million people. Approximately 450 000 people have a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) annually in the Russian Federation and the post-stroke spasticity is developed in about one third of the survivors. The main goal of this study is to conduct pharmacoeconomic analysis of three bestselling in the Russian Federation botulinum toxin type A preparations - Dysport®, Botox®, Xeomin compared with standard therapy without botulinum toxin type A. According to the conducted cost-effectiveness analysis where Modified Ashworth scale score is used as a main outcome Dysport® is a dominated alternative compared with other studied therapy schemes. What is more, budget impactanalysis shows that therapy with Dysport® during one year leads to the saving of 45 563 rubles compared with Botox® and saving of 44 408 rubles compared with Xeomin per one patient.
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