The influence of individual nosological units on the financial and economic performance of foreign countries (literature review)
The paper systematizes scientific papers devoted to the study of various diseases impact on the countries’ economic and financial performance. In order to identify the main subject areas and topic branches a text analysis methodology was used, including bag of words methods, principle component analysis. Content-analysis was implemented to find out the key models which are used while studying the problem. A detailed analysis of the articles’ content was realized, including calculation of the words and phrases most frequently mentioned in the abstracts, estimation of the connection between them, identification of the methods used while studying the diseases’ impact on economy. Implementation of text analysis techniques identified three key thematic areas. They are the impact of the disease spread on financial markets and their indicators, on general economic and macroeconomic indicators, on the social sphere and the resulting economic consequences.
This paper differs from the existing research in the following aspects: 1. it systemizes overall studies analyzing the impact of different diseases on the financial and economic indicators; 2. it expands the current literature by including the research on the impact of the new COVID-19 virus; 3. the innovative methodology of text analysis is used while developing a literature review
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Bibliography link:
Fedora E.A., Khrustova L.E. The influence of individual nosological units on the financial and economic performance of foreign countries (literature review) . // Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice. - 2023. - Vol.11, №3. P. 5-13 DOI: https://doi.org/10.30809/phe.3.2023.1