.., Kononov V.N., Merkulov A.V., Miroshnichenko Y.V., Scherba M.P. 1352

Application of SWOT-analysis with a strategic approach to resource management of medical property in military medical organizations

The use of strategic analysis methods is relevant in optimizing the manage- ment of medical property (MP) resources in military medical organizations (MMO). One of the methods is a SWOT analysis, which allows to conduct a joint study and establish a relationship between the factors of the external and internal environment in determining the strengths and weaknesses of the processes of managing medical resources in a large MMO in modern socio-economic conditions. The purpose of the work was to conduct a SWOT analysis of the management of MP resources in large MMO and to compile a SWOT analysis decision matrix, which is an effective tool for strategic planning and decision making. The SWOT analysis model for MP resource management in a large MMO included the following elements: compilation of a standard SWOT analysis matrix; application of the method of expert assessments (with the determination of the competence and consistency of opinions of experts); drawing up a cross (summary) matrix of SWOT analysis; SWOT analysis of the weighted score; statistical SWOT analysis; construction of the McKinsey matrix model. Based on the results of the assessment of the McKinsey model, it is noted that the implementation of the capabilities of a large MMO in managing medical resources under the influence of external threats and factors of the internal en- vironment has unstable success, which indicates the need for careful attention to attempts to realize one or another existing growth opportunity. As part of the SWOT analysis, 4 strategies were substantiated: a breakthrough strategy (correlation of strengths and opportunities); transition strategy 1 (correlating strengths and threats, and describing what benefits can be used to avoid emerging threats and mitigate risks); transition strategy 2 (correlating weaknesses and opportunities, and presenting the effect of how weaknesses can be moved away from and turned into strengths); survival strategy (correlation of weaknesses and threats, as well as a reflection of how, by eliminating weaknesses, identified threats can be reduced). The described strategies and the matrix of SWOT-analysis decisions based on them, based on data on the most significant and most significant potential for implementation factors of the internal and external environment, can be an effective tool for strategic planning and decision-making when optimizing the management of medical resources in large MMO in modern conditions for the development of military and civilian health care.
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