Pharmacoeconomic analysis in parenteral and enteral nutrition: methodological features in the conditions of Russian healthcare
The presence in Russia of legally approved rules for the pharmacoeconomic assessment of drugs when considering their inclusion in the lists of vital and essential drugs (reimbursement), as well as in the list of medical nutrition for children with disabilities, has features of pharmacoeconomic analysis of parenteral and enteral nutrition. Since parenteral and enteral nutrition can have different legal status - a drug (MP), biologically active additive (BAA) and even medical products, the rules for pharmacoeconomic assessment at the federal level will be different for them.
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Bibliography link:
Serpik V.G., Protsenko M.V. Pharmacoeconomic analysis in parenteral and enteral nutrition: methodological features in the conditions of Russian healthcare // Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice. - 2021. - Т.9, №1. - С. 6-16 DOI: https://doi.org/10.30809/phe.1.2021.1