Health technology assessment of cataract phacoemulsification platforms
Wide range of available platforms for phacoemulsification of cataracts and limited financing of the health care system make crucial of optimal decisions in choosing specific models of platforms. In this regard, for the first time in Russia and in the world, an assessment of healthcare technology (HTA) of 6 platforms for cataract phacoemulsification was carried out - Centurion, Infiniti, Stellaris, Stellaris PC, Whitestar Signature, Visalis 500. Our study revealed the limitations of the existing evidence base for comparative purposes evaluations of various phacoemulsification platforms from a health system perspective. Due to this we made an assumption of the use expert assessment of the analized platforms in terms of ultrasound time and the volume of aspirated liquid allowed us to provide HTA, the results of which on the one hand confirm the applicability of the HTA methodology itself for the analysis of the type of medical device under consideration, and with available cost data demonstrated «cost-effectiveness ”of the Centurion platform and its advantage in terms of budget impact analysis among other platforms of the latest generation. The full use of HTA for cataract phacoemulsification platforms requires the creation of an evidence base, taking into account perspective of organizational decision-making process.
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Kulikov A.Yu., Serpik V.G., Protsenko M.V., Sobolev N.P. Health technology assessment of cataract phacoemulsification platforms // Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice. - 2019. - Т.7, №4. - С. 10-17 DOI: https://doi.org/10.30809/phe.4.2019.2