Kostina E.O., Yagudina R.I. 2881

Pharmacoeconimic analysis of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion compared with multiple daily injection in the treatment of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus in the Russian Federation

In the pharmacoeconomic study, a comparative analysis of the insulin delivery was carried out: continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) (using the Accu-Check Combo system as an example) in comparison with multiple daily injections (MDI) using pens in the treatment T1DM, as well as determining the economic consequences (cost-effectiveness analysis, impact budget analysis) of their application. This study was carried out by modeling with a time horizon of 15 years. As a result of the cost-effectiveness analysis, it was found that CSII is characterized by better efficiency (9,45 QALY), compared with MDI therapy patients with T1DM (8,70 QALY). The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) is 1 100 503 rub / QALY, which is within the threshold of willingness to pay and, therefore, MDI is a cost-effectiveness analysis therapy. The switching from MDI therapy to CSII for the healthcare system requires additional funding of 54 749 rubles per year per patient and 821 228 rubles per patient for 15 years (excluding discounting).
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