Krylov V.A., Kulikov A.Y., Yagudina R.I. 2845

Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of the drug follitropin- alpha+lutropin-alpha (Pergoveris) using in treatment of infertile women with suboptimal ovarian response in the Russian Federation

Infertility is successfully treated by IVF and ICSI methods. One of the most important stages in IVF protocol is control ovarian stimulation (COS). There are recombinant and menopausal drugs to develop and mature oocyte. In this article was compared the economic efficiency of follitropin-alpha+lutropin-alpha vs follitropin-alpa+menotropin vs menotropin based on cost-effectiveness, budget impact analysis. Folliropin-alpha+lutropin-alpha cost of treating per one patient estimate 51 520 rubles, menotropin – 49 104 rubles, follitropin- alpa+menotropin - 61 298 rubles. Cost-effectiveness analysis, provided on the number of retrieved oocytes, rate of implantation and rate of clinical pregnancy, shown that follitropin-alpha+lutropin-alpha is dominant therapy. According to the results of the budget impact analysis, the increasing use of follitropin- alpha+lutropin-alpha on the market to 51.5% will save 29.2 million rubles.
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