Pharmacoeconomic effect evaluation of a different methods of anaesthesia in minimal invasive interventions
The results of comparative analysis of different methods of anesthesia pharmacoeconomic efficiency (total propofol-based intravenous anesthesia, low- flow sevoflurane- and desflurane-based anesthesia), used in minimal invasive surgery, are presented in this article. By counting of 1 minute of anesthesia price, using different methods of anesthesia, and, moreover, accounting a rate of drug load on organism, duration of anesthesia and a risk of anesthetic complications, it has been shown earnestly, that the optimal method is low-flow sevoflurane-based anesthesia coupled with supraglottic airduct I-gel.
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Bibliography link:
Krotov M.V. Pharmacoeconomic effect evaluation of a different methods of anaesthesia in minimal invasive interventions. // Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice. - 2018. - Vol.6, №2. - P.5-8 DOI: 10.30809/phe.2.2018.1