Hodgkin lymphoma therapy in practical health care: analysis of the hospital register of city clinical hospital named after S.P. Botkin
1 City clinical hospital named afer S.P. Botkin, Moscow, Russia
2 Clinical Trials and Healthcare Technology Assessment Centre of Moscow Department of Healthcare,
Moscow, Russia
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Nikitin E.A., Sharkunov N.N., Shihbabaeva D.I., Vinogradova O.Ju., Markarjan V.G., Lobanova N.A., Ptushkin V.V., Davydovskaja M.V., Kokushkin K.A. Hodgkin lymphoma therapy in practical health care: analysis of the hospital register of city clinical hospital named after S.P. Botkin // Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice. - 2018. - Vol.6, №1. P.66 DOI: https://doi.org/10.30809/phe.1.2018.31