Serpik V.G., Yagudina R.I. 4854

Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of treatment of gastric cancer with ramucirumab in second line

Abstract: We provided a pharmacoeconomic evaluation of the treatment of gastric cancer in the second line of therapy with ramucirumab, using the relative value analysis method. Ramucirumab is the only anti-angiogenic drug registered for the treatment of advanced gastric cancer. In comparison with the standard regimens of the second line of chemotherapy for gastric cancer, the use of the ramucirumab has a statistically significant advantage, increasing the median overall survival by 30%. Ramucirumab (Cyramza) cost of treating per one patient is 1 761 564 RUB. From the perspective of relative value analysis the cost of an additional unit of effectiveness of ramucirumab is comparable or even lower than the same criteria of other antitumor drugs of monoclonal antibodies already included in the national EDL. Consequently, ramucirumab can be characterized as an acceptable technology. The budget impact analysis showed that providing patients with advanced gastric cancer with the ramucirumab is characterized by a lower burden on the drug support budget for oncological patients than bevacizumab, trastuzumab and cetuximab in the therapy of the oncology nosologies, at the their approval date. According to the results of the budget impact analysis on the drug supply of ramucirumab, 200 patients will additionally require 329.19 million rubles, which is only 0.64% of the budget for the treatment of cancer in 2016. Key words: gastric cancer, pharmacoeconomics, cost-effectiveness analysis, budget impact analysis, relative value analysis, bevacizumab, cetuximab, ramucirumab, trastuzumab.
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