Pharmacoeconomic analysis of long-term effects of more widespread use of in vitro fertilization in infertility treatment at the regional and federal level from the standpoint of society at large in the Russian Federation
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of long-term effects of more widespread use of in vitro fertilization (IVF) in infertility treatment at the regional and federal level from the standpoint of society in the Russian Federation was carried out in this research. The research was performed by means of forecasting of future monetary flows produced by a human born with the aid of in vitro fertilization throughout life. The methods of cost analysis, discounted monetary flows, age shifting and model building were used in the research. The result is that net present value (NPV) of tax payments produced within anticipated life period by the human born with of IVF in the Russian Federation was equal to 822,258 rubles. Return on investments (ROI) was 27%. Net present value (NPV) of GDP produced within the state per one human born with the aid of IVF in the Russian Federation was equal to 34.9 million rubles. Return on investments (ROI) was 985%. Additional carrying out of 24,450 IVF cycles on the basis of OMI CMI (Obligatory Medical Insurance) (the level of 2013) results in increase of total growth of population of the Russian Federation by 22.5%, annual additional carrying out of IVF procedure in the quantity carried out in 2013 will allow to produce additional population growth by 2075 estimated at 319 thousand people in productive age, and 222 thousand people aged up to 20 years.
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Yagudina R.I., Kulikov A.Y., Tishchenko D.G. Pharmacoeconomic analysis of long-term effects of more widespread use of in vitro fertilization in infertility treatment at the regional and federal level from the standpoint of society at large in the Russian Federation // Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice. - 2017. - Vol.5, №1. - P.41-46 DOI: https://doi.org/10.30809/phe.1.2017.29