Budget impact analysis of use of BPA anti-inhibitor coagulant complex (aicc) and eptacog alfa [activated] in the prophylaxis of bleedings in inhibitor hemophilia patients
The limited financing of the program of pharmacological support of high-cost nosologies emphasizes the importance of more effective use of the available resources. In order to improve the efficiency of use of the available resources of pharmacological support of inhibitor hemophilia patients receiving therapy in the prophylactic regimen, a budget impact analysis of prophylactic treatment by BPA anti-inhibitor coagulant complex and eptacog alfa [activated] was performed. In accordance with the instructions for use of eptacog alfa, this medicinal product is not indicated for long-term preventive treatment of bleedings, however, as eptacog alfa is used in the said regimen, it was included in the analysis. The analysis horizon period made 1 year and 75 patients were included in the analysis. The analysis shows that prophylactic anti-inhibitor coagulant complex therapy offers better control over the disease and reduces the costs. The incidence of bleedings in prophylactic anti-inhibitor coagulant complex therapy is reduced by 72.5%, while the incidence of bleedings in prophylactic treatment by eptacog alfa is reduced by 59% as compared to on demand therapy. The annual costs of prophylactic anti-inhibitor coagulant complex therapy per patient make 58.8 million rub (per adult patient) and 23.5 million rub (per pediatric patient), while the annual costs of bleeding prophylactic eptacog alfa treatment proved to be higher by 37.4% and made 94 million rub per adult patient and 37.6 million rub for pediatric patient. Transfer of all patients who respond to anti-inhibitor coagulant complex therapy and receive therapy with this medicinal product in prophylaxis regimen will save 765 million rub or 17.3% of the budget, provided that the current distribution of patients is preserved. Thus, the budget impact analysis demonstrates that the transfer of patients receiving therapy with eptacog alfa in prophylaxis regimen to AICC will improve the control over disease and save the budget funds under the 7N Program.
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Serpik V.G., Yagudina R.I. Budget impact analysis of use of BPA anti-inhibitor coagulant complex (aicc) and eptacog alfa [activated] in the prophylaxis of bleedings in inhibitor hemophilia patients // Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice. - 2017. - Vol.5, №1. - P.13-18 DOI: https://doi.org/10.30809/phe.1.2017.32