Kulikov A.Y., Makarova E.I. 4578

Pharmacoeconomics analysis of the medicinal product Сopaxone-40 in treating multiple sclerosis

The treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) is a formidable healthcare challenge the world over. Because MS is a progressive chronic disease, patients living with this diagnosis require treatment for life. The high prevalence of the disease among young people significantly affects patients’ quality of life and exacerbates the socioeconomic burden of the disease. Glatiramer acetate (Copaxone) is a synthetic analogue of the myelin protein that can influence MS pathogenesis with its immunomodulatory and neuroprotective effect. Copaxone has been continuously, safely used in clinical practice for more than 20 years. In terms of tolerance of Copaxone, the main challenge has been the adverse injection reactions associated with daily subcutaneous injection of a 20 mg/mL dose of the drug. To address this, a new pharmaceutical form was developed – Copaxone 40 mg/mL, which requires subcutaneous injection only three times a week. Both dosage regimens have comparable clinical efficacy, but differ in tolerance. Use of Copaxone 40 versus Copaxone 20 was associated with 50% fewer adverse injection reactions [11]. This suggested a need to conduct pharmacoeconomic research with the goal of producing a pharmacoeconomic assessment of Copaxone 40 versus Copaxone 20. The analysis that was conducted using the “cost minimization” analysis determined that the Copaxone 40 treatment method had lower associated costs than did the Copaxone 20 treatment method. The results of a budget impact analysis indicated that, if all patients in the RF [Russian Federation] currently receiving Copaxone 20 were to switch to therapy using the drug Copaxone 40, a cost savings of 812 million roubles would result in lower adverse reaction treatment costs. These savings would be due to the 209 fewer injections per patient per year that would be achieved by prescribing Copaxone 40, and consequently, the lower number of injection reactions.
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