Analysis of costs of medicinal product lanreotide (somatuline® autogel®) in the treatment of pnet degree grade 1 or 2 (with tumor proliferation index [KI-67]<10%), in adult patients with non-functioning non-metastatic or metastatic tumors
Analysis of costs of using lanreotide in patients with GEP-NETs grade 1 or 2 originating from the pancreas(with tumor proliferation index of [Ki-67] <10%) was carried out in this study. Targeted drugs with indications for treatment of pancreatic NETs in the Russian Federation were used for comparison: sunitinib and everolimus. Pharmacoeconomic study was carried out using methods of «cost-effectiveness» analysis including a sensitivity analysis. The study considered the direct costs which included the costs of treatment and the methods of diagnosis according guidelines of RUSSCO (MRI, biopsy and biochemistry blood analysis). As a result, it was found that the average cost of main pharmacotherapy per patient annually using lanreotide is lower than the average cost of treatment using sunitinib or everolimus by 55.2% and 51.9% (845 000 roubles, 1,886,991 roubles and 1758 443 roubles), respectively. This pharmacoeconomic analysis showed that the average total cost of the main drug treatment and medical care services in the treatment of pancreatic NETs using lanreotide is 886,036 roubles. That is lower than the total cost of treatment using sunitinib (1,928,027 roubles) or everolimus ( 1,799,479 roubles) by 54.0% and 50.8%, respectively. When analyzing the ‘cost effectiveness’, progression-free survival (PFS) was chosen as an efficiency criterion. Considering the results of «cost - effectiveness» analysis, the use of lanreotide for the treatment of pancreatic NETs has a significant advantage over therapy using sunitinib or everolimus in terms of median progression-free survival (PFS), CER of lanreotide is lower than CERof sunitinib and CER of everolimus (73 836 rub/month, 160 660 rub/month and 149 957 rub/month respectively) i.e., lanreotide is the option in treatment. This study has limitations due to study design (lareotide open label study) and difference in population between lanreotide study and sunitinib and everolimus studies.
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Bibliography link:
Kulikov A.Yu., Tischenko D.G. Analysis of costs of medicinal product lanreotide (somatuline® autogel®) in the treatment of pnet degree grade 1 or 2 (with tumor proliferation index [KI-67]<10%), in adult patients with non-functioning non-metastatic or metastatic tumors // Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice. - 2016. - Vol.4, №3. - P.25-29 DOI: https://doi.org/10.30809/phe.3.2016.6