Pharmacoeconomic analysis of hormone medicines used for in vitro fertilization
A pharmacoeconomic evaluation of follitropin alpha (Gonal-F®), follitropin beta (Puregon) and menotropin (Menopur) to stimulate ovulation during the in vitro fertilization procedure has been performed. The results of the effectiveness analysis demonstrated the superiority of follitropins over menotropin in terms of the number of oocytes obtained, occurrence of pregnancy and live birth, all three taken as effectiveness criteria. There were no data to support statistically significant differences in effectiveness between follitropin alpha and follitropin beta. In this connection the main method of pharmacoeconomic analysis to compare follitropin alpha and menotropin was the “cost-effectiveness” analysis while for pharmacoeconomic evaluation of follitropin alpha and follitropin beta the “cost-minimization” analysis was applied. The results of “cost-effectiveness” analysis has shown that follitropin alpha (Gonal-F®) is more cost-effective across all three above criteria compared to Menopur. The “cost-minimization” analysis has revealed that administration of Gonal-F® instead of Puregon enables to save on treatment between 1,973 rubles and 4,861 rubles. Therefore, from the pharmacoeconomic standpoint, Gonal-F® is characterized as a dominant (strictly preferable) drug for ovarian stimulation during assisted reproductive technology (ART) as compared to Menopur and Puregon.
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Bibliography link:
Serpik V.G. Pharmacoeconomic analysis of hormone medicines used for in vitro fertilization // Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice. - 2016. - Vol.4, №2. - P.32-38 DOI: https://doi.org/10.30809/phe.2.2016.6