Pharmacoeconomic analysis of medicinal drug fosinopril in patients with arterial hypertension
Blockade of renin-angiotensin system (RAS) remains one of the most main strategies in treatment of arterial hypertension (AH), and drugs blocking this system, mainly angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) and blockers of receptors to angiotensin II, are the main classes of antihypertensive drugs. The presence of different clinical effectiveness of drugs in these groups, as well as different frequencies of occurrence of undesirable cardiovascular events, side effects and formed the basis of pharmacoeconomic (PE) studies. According to the conducted cost-effectiveness analysis, the treatment regimen using Monopril is characterized by lowest cost and the lowest coefficient of cost-effectiveness ratio in the treatment of patients with AH. The results of the budget impact analysis suggest that therapy with Monopril leads to budget savings. The results of the sensitivity analysis demonstrated the adequacy of the performed pharmacoeconomic analysis and the stability of the obtained data – during the change of the cost factors in the range of ± 97% the therapy with the drug Monopril maintained its advantage expressed by the results of the cost-effectiveness analysis. Сost-effectiveness analysis and budget impact analysis were used in this study. The indirect comparison of two antihypertensive drugs was performed: ACEI (fosinopril, ramipril, lisinopril, perindopril) and ARB II (valsartan, losartan, telmisartan, candesartan). Both groups of drugs are not only one of the main classes of antihypertensive drugs, which can be prescribed to all patients with AH, but also have priority indications, such as diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome etc. Results of costs analysis show that fosinopril treatment scheme is characterized with total costs - 22 751 rub., with the lowest cost-effectiveness ratio – 285, during the treatment of AH and budget economy from 5 048 rub. to 46 805 rub. per 1 person per year compared with–ramipril, lisinopril, perindopril, valsartan, losartan, telmisartan, candesartan.
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Tolordava G. A., Arinina E.E., Kulikov A.Yu. Pharmacoeconomic analysis of medicinal drug fosinopril in patients with arterial hypertension // Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice. - 2016. - Vol.4, №1. - P.80-87 DOI: https://doi.org/10.30809/phe.1.2016.37