Kulikov A.Y., Strunina (Rybchenko) Y.V. 4918

Pharmacoeconomic analysis of the medicinal product javlor (vinflunine) in advanced urothelial carcinoma patients after failure of platinum-based chemotherapy

Currently, in treatment of patients with urothelial transitional cell carcinoma resistant to platinum-based regimen, only Javlor (vinflunine) shows the best evidence when using in second-line chemotherapy scheme. Vinflunine shows the advantage over best supportive care during a randomized Phase III study. The aim of this study is to compare Javlor therapy in combination with the best supportive therapy and the best supportive therapy alone in terms of pharmacoeconomic analysis. Budget impact analysis shows that the treatment of urothelial transitional cell carcinoma with Javlor requires additional expenses. Cost-effectiveness analysis shows that the ICER does not exceed “willingness-to-pay” threshold which means that from the point of view of incremental analysis the therapy in patients with urothelial transitional cell carcinoma using Javlor is cost-effective.
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