Kulikov A.Y., Pochuprina A.A. 6163

The cost-effectiveness of abatacept compared to adalimumab for adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis in the Russian Federation

Recent market entry of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) for patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who had an inadequate response to methotrexate in Russia has secured patient access to highly effective treatment options. Access to effective treatment options are of particular importance for highly prevalent conditions with early function impairment such as RA. Innovative medicines, such as DMARDs, are however typically characterized by high treatment costs and require pharmacoeconomic assessment as part of the decision making process regarding federal reimbursement. In the present study, adaptation of an Italian health economic model was performed with the aim to compare cost-efficacy of subcutaneous abatacept versus adalimumab from the Russian Federation national health care system perspective. Clinical efficacy data as well as patient characteristics were based on the AMPLE trial patient population, which was a direct headto-head comparison of subcutaneous abatacept and adalimumab in RA. The time horizon was set at 2 years, which corresponds with the length of the AMPLE study. Direct medical costs included pharmaceutical costs based on the registered maximum selling prices, cost of adverse event treatment, outpatient and inpatient treatment, and diagnostic and laboratory monitoring costs (Rubles, 2015). Results showed that the total 2-year costs of treating 100 patients were 143,750,205.87 rubles for abatacept compared with 165,749,479.26 rubles for adalimumab, at a total cost-savings of treating an entire cohort with abatacept equal to 21,999,273.38 rubles or 219,992.73 rubles per patient. The cost-effectiveness ratios across all disease activity measures (ACR 20, 50, 70, 90; DAS-28; HAQ-DI; CDAI; SDAI) demonstrated that abatacept compared to adalimumab had a lower cost per health outcome. Therefore, from a pharmacoeconomic point of view, subcutaneous abatacept is most likely a preferable alternative compared with adalimumab for the treatment of RA patients in the Russian Federation.
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