Pharmacoeconomic study of buserelin-depo in the treatment of hormone-dependent prostate cancer
Pharmacoeconomic study comparing luteinizing hormonereleasing hormone agonists (LHRH-A), used for prostate cancer treatment was conducted. The study included drugs: buserelin, goserelin, triptorelin and leuprorelin. Pharmacoeconomic study included the following methods:cost analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost minimization analysis and budget impact analysis. The time horizon for cost analysis, cost minimization analysis and budget impact analysis amounted to 1 year, whereas for costeffectiveness
analysis it was equal to 6 months. Direct costs were taken into account. As a result, it was found that annual costs for the treatment of one patient for each of the considered drugs (buserelin, goserelin, triptorelin and leuprorelin) respectively accounted for 55 169 rubles, 90 130 rubles, 90 133 rubles и 94 599 rubles. Results of the budget impact analysis showed that the annual budget per patient using drug therapy buserelin, goserelin, triptorelin and leuprorelin respectively amounted to 129 545 rubles, 164 506 rubles, 164 509 rubles and 168 974 rubles. Cost minimization analysis demonstrated that under the assumption of equal clinical effectiveness review of medications,
annual treatment of one patient using buserelin is characterized with 34 961 rubles compared with goserelin and 39 430 rubles compared with leuprorelin. Cost-effectiveness analysis using the criterion of decreasing the prostatespecific antigen (PSA) level, it was found that buserelin is characterized with the greatest rate of decrease in the PSA value, so it has the smallest value of the cost-effectiveness ratio and, thus, relative to the comparison drugs is strictly preferred drug.
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Kulikov A.Yu., Serpik V.G.Pharmacoeconomic study of buserelin-depo in the treatment of hormone-dependent prostate cancer // Pharmacoeconomics: theory and practice. - 2015. - Vol.3, №2. - P.44-47 DOI: https://doi.org/10.30809/phe.2.2015.7