Abdrashitova G.T., Kotenko O.N., Serpik V.G., Yagudina R.I. 7019

The economic burden of chronic kidney disease in the Russian Federation

For the first time in Russia, economic burden of chronic kidney disease on a national scale was determined The economic burden of chronic kidney disease was calculated based on the methodology of a special kind of pharmacoeconomic analysis, the «cost of illness» analysis. The analysis included both direct and indirect costs associated with the disease in question. In the course of the study, the cost of individual stages of chronic kidney disease per patient per year was determined. The most expensive stages were those, at which the patients received renal replacement therapy. At the same time, the cost of illness analysis based on the entire population carried out at the next stage revealed that most of the cost falls on the early stages of chronic kidney disease as a result of a significant number of patients at these stages. The cumulative economic burden of chronic kidney disease in Russia exceeded 451 billion rubles.
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