Kulikov A.Y., Skripnik A.R. 3743

Pharmacoeconomic analysis of сosmofer (iron III - hydroxide dextran) in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia for chronic kidney disease patients

Iron-deficiency anemia occupies the first place among the most common diseases. Approximately 700 million people worldwide suffer from iron deficiency anemia. In Russia, iron deficiency anemia is diagnosed in 6-30% of the population. The objective of this study was the comparative pharmacoeconomic analysis Cosmofer (Iron III - hydroxide dextran) compared with Venofer (Iron III - hydroxide sucrose complex) in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia for patients with chronic kidney disease. An analysis of the value of the direct costs of patient treatment for 6 months amounted to 17,077 rubles for the treatment of Iron III - hydroxide dextran and 17,792 rubles for the treatment of Iron III - hydroxide sucrose complex. Result of budget impact analysis revealed that the use of the treatment of Iron III - hydroxide dextran as compared with Iron III - hydroxide sucrose complex for one patient, leads to budget savings for 715 rubles. The sensitivity analysis shows that a simultaneous increase the cost of Iron III - hydroxide dextran and decrease the cost of Iron III - hydroxide sucrose complex at 5%, will require additional funding in the amount of 157 ruble.
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